
What is this?#

LightDB is a simple and lightweight JSON database for Python that allows users to efficiently write data to a file. It is designed to be easy to use, making it a great choice for developers who need a fast and reliable way to store and retrieve data.


  • Lightweight: LightDB is a lightweight database that is implemented as a Python dictionary, making it simple and easy to use.

  • Simple API: LightDB provides a simple and intuitive API that allows users to easily set, get, and remove key-value pairs in the database.

  • JSON file storage: LightDB stores its data in a JSON file, making it easy to read and edit the database outside of the Python environment.

  • Persistance: LightDB’s data is persisted in the JSON file, ensuring that it is retained between program runs.

  • Reset: LightDB provides a reset method that allows users to clear the database and start fresh.

  • Type agnostic: LightDB is type-agnostic, meaning it can store any Python object as a value in the database.

  • Portable: LightDB can be easily transferred between different systems, making it a great choice for simple data storage needs.

Simple usage#

from lightdb import LightDB

# Create a new database object, or load an existing one from file
db = LightDB("my_database.json")

# Set a key-value pair
db.set("name", "Alice")

# Get the value associated with a key
name = db.get("name")
print(name)  # Output: "Alice"

# Remove a key-value pair from the database

# Reset the database to an empty state

# After this, you need to save changes
